The Department of Defense’s (DoD) Office of Industrial Policy, through its Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment (IBAS) program, recently welcomed key stakeholders to the first Accelerated Training in Defense Manufacturing (ATDM) Summit at IALR. IALR is leading a three-year pilot project to develop, exercise and evaluate ATDM as a potential training platform for a network of regional training centers across the United States.
The event introduced ATDM and discussed how the program contributes to closing skills and manpower gaps that are impacting the ability of the defense industrial base to support America’s Navy. U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) delivered the keynote speech.
“For years, I’ve been talking about the importance of addressing our nation’s chronic underinvestment in workers…We need innovative approaches to workforce development–like IALR, like the ATDM program – to help make that happen,” said Warner.
Other ATDM Summit presenters included Jesse Salazar, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Industrial Policy; Rear Admiral Scott Pappano, Program Executive Office, Columbia class submarine program; Adele Ratcliff, Director of Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment Program; and Troy Simpson, Director of Advanced Manufacturing for IALR. In addition, attendees participated in an open forum discussion. Key ATDM program partners Danville Community College, Phillips Corporation and The Spectrum Group also participated.