The Wonder Community of Lifelong Learning is a lifelong learning program where members meet curious people, share their passions and talents, and learn new things. Several workshops a month provide members the opportunity to learn unique skills, understand topics of interest or explore new places.
The Wonder Community of Lifelong Learning is supported by the Institute for Advanced Learning and Research to be a community-based education platform that propels multi-generational learning.
“The Wonder Community is one of my favorite organizations in Danville. Everyone comes together to learn and have fun, and I always walk away with a cool new skill.” — Mary Alice Buck-Hayes, Wonder Community Member
Learning Diverse Topics
The Wonder Community crosses multiple generations and unites people with unique interests and talents. This innovative platform allows for a diverse portfolio of workshops and activities.
Past workshops have included:
- Fishing expeditions and tutorials
- Group cooking experiences
- Painting and craft workshops
- A three-part series on how to build a musical instrument
- Lessons on topics like how to utilize artificial intelligence technologies
- Much more!